Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Eight Things You Must Know About First Aid Training

First aid training equips you with knowledge on handing the initial stages of injury or illness. Training will include life saving techniques and treatment of illnesses and injuries. First aid training is not just for medical professionals.

CPR certifications and first aid training is mandatory for many jobs today. You can be well prepared to handle any emergencies at work or home. You will learn how to save the life of a person who is critically injured by stabilizing his condition and assist with recovery before medical professionals arrive to take over.

Here are 8 things you must know about first aid training -

   1. A few simple measures are enough to provide effective first aid treatment. Though all of us know the basics of cleaning a cut or applying a bandage, it is imperative to learn the appropriate method and initial treatment options as an invasive procedure could be risky if not handled in the right manner.

   2. First aid course training is for everyone as we cannot determine when and where first aid may be urgently required. These courses are offered by commercial providers and by community organizations like St. John Ambulance and Red Cross.

   3. The two major types of first aid courses include Emergency Aid for Appointed Persons course and the First Aid at Work course. The first course teaches you the basics and provides knowledge on how to manage critical conditions such as severe bleeding and heart attack. There is no formal assessment for this course.

   4. First Aid at Work course is a three day course that offers a comprehensive first aid lesson. Candidates here are assessed formally by assessors who are approved by Health and Safety Executive. After completing this course, you will receive the three year valid certificate by the training organization.

   5. Some of the common areas covered by first aid course include ailments such as choking, emergency action planning, control of bleeding, child resuscitation, shock, scalds and burns, sprains and breaks, child medical emergencies, unconsciousness and recognizing conditions like meningitis.

   6. Work place related risks that can be managed effectively after completion of first aid training course include shock, bleeds and wounds, cardio-pulmonary resuscitation, unconsciousness, scalds and burns, seizures, breaks and sprains, poisoning, choking, employer's risk assessment, record keeping and accident reporting.

   7. For sports organizers, first aid course training will include concussion, joint dislocation, shock, unconsciousness, blocked airways, cardio-pulmonary resuscitation and sprains and breaks.

   8. Advanced first aid courses equip you with knowledge on moving people who are seriously injured, manual handling, defibrillation and advanced life support such as administration of medical gases like Entonox and oxygen.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

How to Become a Phlebotomist

Perhaps you've been wondering about how to become a phlebotomist, or you have always wanted a job in the medical field. This is a highly skilled position and will give you the job security that many people have been desperately searching for. No matter how bad the economy, no matter how much the government mismanages our funds, phlebotomists are always in high demand. There will always be a need for medical professionals and there will always be a need for blood samples for research purposes. The process does take some time and the training facilities vary across the country.

Information on How to Become a Phlebotomist

There are various reputable training centers scattered across the country and as the demand increases for these types of positions, so will the training centers. Generally, becoming certified involves taking a select number of courses that cover a wide variety of topics: mathematics, biology, anatomy, psychology and even law. You can choose to study part-time or full-time, with some study being done at home if you wish. Keep in mind that the process takes longer with part-time studies. You will have to write an exam after each course.

The average time to complete all of your courses ranges from 12-24 months. If you are already in the medical field, you may be exempt from some courses. Once you have completed all of the necessary courses and passed all of the exams, you will need to write your certification exam. Once you've passed your certification exam the state will grant you a license to practice. While you are taking the courses, there will also be a fair amount of hands-on training you will need to complete, usually 100 hours or more.

Online Resources on How to Become a Phlebotomist

When you are first researching your new career, it's a good idea to conduct some initial research, to make sure it is something that is right for you. There are several online resources that will give you information about the best training centers, what kind of courses you need to take, what you can expect in the field and other pertinent information. Once you have gathered all of your resources, contact some schools and training facilities and ask them questions about the course of study, job success rates after graduation, etc. The administrators will be more than happy to answer your questions.

Of course, when you are gathering data on how to become a phlebotomist, you will want to know the cost of the entire course, and how much you expect to earn when you graduate. These are relevant questions and they do vary from city to city. Larger cities obviously pay a higher salary than do smaller towns; however, larger cities may have better training facilities. One thing is for sure - there is nothing more satisfying than knowing you are helping people in need.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Essential Education Skills for All Student

Have you ever taken a moment to watch a honeybee in action? Did you marvel at the way she methodically drifts from flower to flower collecting her "basketfuls" of pollen, only to navigate unerringly back to the hive? Did you ever wonder where she learned to do her job so well and to navigate so precisely? The answer lies with Mother Nature, herself. Honeybees are born with all of the necessary skills to do their specific jobs in a precise, prescribed manner. Honeybees never need to be trained; they go right to work the moment they are born. This remarkable system works beautifully, indeed... for honeybees! The downside of this "hardwired" arrangement, however, is that each honeybee is capable of performing only a limited number of specific tasks. She neither ponders nor analyzes her situation; she simply responds to cues from her environment and her genetic programming.

Fortunately for us, Mother Nature has neglected to outfit human beings with such a predisposed pattern of behavior. I say "fortunately," because humans possess the genetic freedom to be creative, innovative, and adaptive. As a result, our children are blessed with the ability learn many different skills, but these skills must be taught (and reinforced) if students are to process information in an efficient manner. Never forget, however, that human beings are capable of assimilating inefficient processing and organizational behaviors just as easily as they can efficient ones!

To understand the importance of proper training, let's consider an employment scenario for just a moment. Anyone who has worked for a living is certainly familiar with the phrase "job description." This phrase refers, of course, to the specific duties that a particular job entails. Naturally, if an employee is unaware of these duties or lacks the skills necessary to carry them out, his or her employment is in serious peril. Furthermore, if an employee has not been properly trained, an employer would be unreasonable to expect exceptional job-performance.

What, you may ask, has any of this to do with scholastic performance? The answer is simple... everything. Students can be thought of as employees of a sort. They have specific jobs to do and, if they do them well, they are well compensated. This compensation comes in the form of education, grades, grade point averages and, most importantly, opportunities.

I realize, of course, that many students, especially those in elementary schools, middle schools, and high schools, find it difficult to perceive, let alone appreciate, the non-material, deferred rewards of a successful academic career. But, this phenomenon comes under the heading of motivation and is not what I am referring to by my employment analogy. I am, instead, simply acknowledging the sad truth that school systems (both public and private) across the nation routinely give children explicit job descriptions, but fail to train those children to do the jobs!

Let us examine, for a moment, the fundamental duties of the average student. From the day the student begins his or her "job," a student is presented with a certain amount of new information. In turn, he or she is expected to process that information in a specific, efficient manner. This "processing" includes organizing, note taking, studying, test taking... the student's "job description." But who teaches the student to perform that job in an efficient manner? Not the schools, I am sad to say! The schools seem to believe that our "honeybees" are born with the ability to learn efficiently and to organize themselves appropriately.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Tips To Develop Successful Study Habits

Study tips and test taking strategies would be of great help in excelling in your studies or academics and in passing your examinations as well. As quoted in the famous movie, Three Idiots, "Follow excellence and success will chase you". This is a way of saying, excel in your study habits and test taking strategies as it will make your dreams come true.

In doing so, you have to work on some tips to avoid procrastination. In the succeeding paragraphs, you will be able to check out the tips which could help you in developing a study method and study habits that would be helpful throughout your years of studying.

The first tip is the identification of the place where you will be studying. You should look for a place in your home that has good lighting conditions and enough space in order to cater to your needs. Make sure to maintain the place as organized as possible. Well, most of the students are using their bedroom as the study area. But make sure that you do not lie down while studying as you will only fall asleep.

The second tip is to concentrate in the lecture hall or when you are inside the classroom. Enhance your concentration by taking down notes. There are students who have an auditory learning style. They are the ones good in recalling what the teachers have told them. Jotting down notes is a great way of studying your lessons as it reinforces the points made. With this, you will always be ready for exams and recitations.

The third tip is finding good ways of memorizing and retaining the work covered. The most popular technique that is widely used is the SQ3R method which stands for Survey, Question, Read, Recite and Review. Make sure that you follow these steps as these will take you to a more organized way of studying.

The fourth tip is sticking to a certain study method. Most experts say that high school students as well as college students are spending about 40 hours every week on their studies. Look at your weekly schedule and do not spend too much time on things that you do not really need to do. At just one look, you can see the number of hours you can allot for studying.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Higher Education Challenge Grants Program

The National Institute of Food and Agriculture, more commonly known as NIFA, is a United States federal government agency operating under the Department of Agriculture that's primarily answerable for consolidating all federally-funded agricultural studies.

The founding of NIFA was mandated under the Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008 in an attempt to initiate and enable technological innovations that have the potential to enhance American agriculture, thus make it more productive, environmentally tolerable, and economically viable.

In accordance with this mission, the National Institute of Food and Agriculture has recently constituted the Higher Education Challenge Grants Program in an effort to boost and enhance the standard of formal, postsecondary-level agricultural sciences education.

The projects that will be funded under this programme are those that mean to work towards ensuring a competent, admissible, and varied system that will be favourable to the food and agricultural sciences industry.

In that context, the National Institute of Food and Agriculture also wants the suggested projects to achieve the following goals:

a) Significantly increase the quantity of students who are ready to pursue and finish a postsecondary degree in the food and agricultural sciences.

b) Stimulate and inspire studies in areas that will contribute to any of the NIFA Priority Areas.

c) Improve the quality of secondary and postsecondary instruction in an effort to help achieve the present and future needs of national food and agricultural sciences offices.

In addition, NIFA has stipulated that all of the projects that'll be funded under this programme should focus on improving the standard of educational instruction in the postsecondary education system, which may hopefully result in the recruitment of a larger number of qualified and diverse graduates.

In order to financially support these projects, NIFA is set to administer a total funding amount of $4,770,000 to multiple grant awardees.

The institutions and setups who will be judged eligible to submit an application under the Higher Education Challenge Grants Program are the following:

a) US public or private nonprofit colleges and universities that are providing a baccalaureate or first professional degree in one discipline or area of the food and agricultural sciences;

b) Land-grant schools and universities

c) Universities and schools who are having significant minority enrollments as well as sufficient capacity to carry out the teaching of food and agricultural sciences;

d) Any other college & university who manifest a credible capacity to do the teaching of food and agricultural sciences.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Coaching to Improve Your Skills and Development Management is Very Important

A corporate development manager must possess a number of skills in order to achieve success. It is recommended that corporate development managers receive corporate management training in addition to corporate development training to develop a well-rounded perspective on managing and growing a business. Basic management skills necessary for this role include the ability to plan, organize, direct and coordinate a team. In addition to these skills, managers should also undergo corporate development training, which involves learning to plan and execute multiple strategies to achieve both short- and long-term goals.

As a leader, one of the key fundamentals to developing and maintaining a strong team is the ability to plan and prioritize tasks. Corporate management training uses the 7 P's to emphasize the importance of planning, which stands for: Prior Proper Planning Prevents Painfully Poor Production. For example, if the goal is to increase sales, the manager should project the number of new prospects they would need to reach each day based on how many sales they need to generate from the outreach they have been conducting. Basing tasks on goals and planning to successfully reach milestones is key. Being organized is also essential, given that managers are responsible for overseeing the progress of team projects. After planning and organizing, a manager must understand how to help their team prioritize and stay on track to complete tasks and work toward achieving goals. Each team member should be assigned a number of prospects to reach out to and the number of sales to generate within a specific timeframe. By setting both long- and short-term goals and tasks, everyone on the team will know what their responsibilities are and can become a greater contributor overall.

Corporate development managers are specialists hired to ensure that organizational objectives and initiatives are achieved through project management. In order to see these projects to fruition, managers must define and coordinate his or her team's roles and responsibilities. It is also important to create and manage timelines to ensure that tasks are completed before specific deadlines. For example, a manager might be asked whether a specific market would be profitable for a company to pursue. The manager would therefore be responsible for delegating tasks to his or her team to research whether this would be a good opportunity for the organization. Depending on the results, managers will then need to establish strategic relationships with business partners.

A different scenario might involve identifying and acquiring companies. The manager would once again ask his team to collect information. Once this is done, she or he would list the best candidates and possibly be asked to secure funding for acquisition purposes. Regardless of the business ventures at play, strategic business partners remain of the utmost importance.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Finding The Best Private Schools Is Right For You?

You might be considering researching private schools for your children, but how do you know if you've found the right one? There are a number of things to consider when looking for the best school and it all depends on what kind of environment you want for your child. Are you looking for a school with a rigorous academic schedule? Is a small personal environment what you need? Are you looking one that incorporates religion into the daily schedule?

Finding Private Schools With Rigorous Academic Schedules

If you want your child to get into one of the country's most prestigious universities, or you're looking for a full ride college scholarship, consider top private schools that place a large focus on academics and advanced placement classes. Students at these institutions don't just focus on their studies though. Many of them are involved in academic extra curricular activities such as orchestra, yearbook, honor societies and more. If you're considering one of the educational institutions, talk to the admissions counselor about the process to make sure you know what you're getting into.

Small Classes Can Keep Your Student From Getting Lost In A Crowd

Many parents choose private schools because their students might benefit from personal attention. Some public educational institutions can have class sizes in the thousands, which means that a student's math class size could rival those in a state university. If you're considering a certain school, ask them how large a typical class is. Smaller classes will mean that your student will receive more personalized attention each and every day.

Is A Religious Institution For You?

Religious based education is important to many families. These families are looking for a top-notch education that incorporates religious teachings into everyday lessons. Students who attend religious institutions might attend chapel services once a week and will likely need to fulfill a religious education requirement in order to graduate. Some parents choose a religious school, even if they aren't members of that particular faith. Many religious educational institutions will accept students from a different faith, but the students will still be required to fulfill the school's religious requirements.

How To Get Into The Best Private Schools

Admission into the best private schools can be difficult. Some families will need to go through arduous admission interviews, while some children will only need to take a placement test to determine what classes they should be in. When talking with the admissions counselor ask about their admissions process. If you're looking for a rigorous academic environment, you probably won't be happy with a school that allows everyone in.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Choosing Schools For Gifted Children

Schools for gifted children have a lot to offer both parents and students. However, many parents can become overwhelmed throughout the process when they're trying to find the right educational atmosphere for their child. If you're just starting the process, consider looking for a school that offers small class sizes, enthusiastic, flexible class choices, excellent facilities and more.

Small Class Sizes Can Help Provide Personal Attention

A public school can have up to 35 pupils per class. Can you imaging the level of personal attention given to your student if he or she is one of 35? Oftentimes, smart students are at risk of being shoved aside or ignored. They typically aren't the troublemakers of the class and they are able to easily grasp concepts that are being taught. The teachers aren't intentionally ignoring the more advanced students - many teachers are overworked, overloaded and trying to do the best with what the resources they have available.

Schools for gifted children, on the other hand, often boast smaller class sizes. Before signing up your child, ask how many pupils are in each class and what teachers do to ensure that each one receives personal, one on one attention when it's needed.

Flexibility Is Important

Many schools for the gifted understand that different students require different types of homework and classroom assignments - education shouldn't be one size fits all. Instead, students who show an amazing aptitude for music should be given a different assignment than one who is advanced in mathematics.

This also means that perhaps a second grader who is especially gifted in science should be given the opportunity to attend classes with a higher grade. Students shouldn't be restricted because of their age so look for private schools that allow students to be grouped by ability, not by age.

Private Schools That Offer Extra Opportunities Are Best

Schools for gifted children that can help them get a well-rounded education that include extra-curricular activities. Academics are important, but that isn't the only important aspect of a quality education. Look for a school that incorporates lots of clubs and extracurricular activities, sports, outdoor education and more. This can help students learn new subjects and meet new people.

Look For Excellent Facilities

Private schools aren't limited by taxpayer contributions so oftentimes they're able to offer excellent, high-tech facilities. Look for school grounds that are well kept and classrooms such as science labs, music rooms, art studios and more that are stocked with the necessary supplies. You should also look for a library that's full of physical books and maybe even offers the ability to let students check out electronic books on their personal e-readers. Some also include the cost of a tablet or notebook computer in with tuition, furthering the entire educational experience.